Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mid-Term Exam

The mid-term exam will be next Wednesday - be present and on-time. If you are absent, I'll happily give you a zero (one less exam for me to grade!).

It will consist of two sections.

1. You will be given nine quotations from the four texts we have studied (Genesis, The Odyssey, The Republic, The Metamorphoses). For each quotation you must give the following information: (1) the text from which it comes, (2) the author if possible, (3) the speaker and (4) a short paragraph (around four sentences) explaining and analyzing the significance of the quotation in and of itself as well as to the text as a whole. Full credit will NOT be given for retelling a text's plot. 6 identifications x 10 points each = 60 points.

2. You will have a choice of three essay topics to write one essay. Hints I will give now: Topics will include gender, education / didacticism and the role of the human body. You will be asked to include specific scenes / characters from two to three texts in your discussion. 40 points.

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